I often hear people in the news business say "We're giving our audience what they want." That's how they explain the never-ending coverage of crimes, scandals, disasters, etc. In preparing to launch this site, I have found two instances where the audience's demand for solutions-oriented news was actually on display for all to see. As I find more examples, I will report them here.
Meanwhile, listen up all you news people. Your audience is tired of "all problems, all the time." They want to hear about solutions too!
In the first example, an audience member at an Aspen Institute event on the future of broadcast news asks Katie Couric and Bob Schieffer to add news about solutions to the CBS Evening News. This video runs less than 2 minutes.
In the second example, Gloria Steinem tells Bill Maher that the surveys taken in advance of the start of her and Jane Fonda's new radio network show that people want to hear news about solutions. This video runs less than 2 minutes.
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